Personal Statement Status: Good

Upload your latest Personal Statement or College Essay Draft below:

<aside> ❗ Note:

You can change the background colour according to the status level too! Feel free to customise the cover, icons etc.

Use this space to write any urgent notes, be it to remind yourself about an upcoming deadline or to write your goals and aspirations.


QS World University Ranking

QS World University Rankings: Top Global Universities


<aside> ☝ Input all the information about the universities and colleges that you are interested in above.

Note: You can even use the "Calculate" Function by hovering right below the table, to find out out how many empty(or filled) boxes there are for each column!



<aside> 👋 Feel free to delete or add anything from the tables in this page.


Entrance Exams/Aptitude Tests

Aptitude Test Details

Personal Statement Drafts

Link the documents of your drafts here for easy access


