<aside> <img src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/eirikmadland/notion-icons/master/v5/icon5/mt-announcement.svg" alt="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/eirikmadland/notion-icons/master/v5/icon5/mt-announcement.svg" width="40px" /> If you use these templates or resources publicly, please keep them free and give me credit.



Ideas and Resources

Most Recent Templates

Find me on:

Discord: mythrider

Reddit: mythrider

Slack: Kathryn Gainor

Facebook: (Notion Made Simple Group, Notion Family Group, & Notion For Students Group) - Kathryn Gainor

Moderating: Notion Family (Facebok), Reddit r/notion, Reddit r/toolsforthought, Tools for thought (discord), and Notion community (discord)

Also some of my templates are on:

Notion Family

<aside> 💡 I hope my templates and resources are helpful! They will always be free. I only ask if you give me credit and let me know if they’ve helped you! 😊


About me:

I find joy in creating new templates to help others. I studied art in college and like to utilize it to benefit from creative productivity. If you use my templates publicly, please give me credit. Otherwise, feel free to use them for your personal use. My templates will always be free.