I. References used:

The Hero's Journey by Chris Vogler, based on Joseph Campbell's Hero with a Thousand Faces. Quotes taken from Vogler's book Memo From the Story Department., Savannah Gilbo's website, [https://www.savannahgilbo.com/blog/plotting-hero's-journey](https://www.savannahgilbo.com/blog/plotting-hero's-journey), Allen Palmer's website, http://www.crackingyarns.com.au/2011/04/04/a-new-character-driven-heros-journey-2/, and Craig Batty's book, Movies that Move Us.)

II. The Stages:

Act 1

Ordinary World

Call to Adventure

Refusal of the Call

Meeting with the Mentor

Crossing the First Threshold

Act 2a

Tests, Allies & Enemies

Approach to the Inmost Cave

Act 2b

The Ordeal

The Reward

Act 3

The Road Back


Return with the Elixir

III. A Visual:


Image Source: [https://www.savannahgilbo.com/blog/plotting-hero's-journey](https://www.savannahgilbo.com/blog/plotting-hero's-journey)